hye! tahu tk td time aq kat tuisyen.. subjek B.I cikgu K.K adelah tnye ape beza antara hen's dan hens' mane satu yg btul... lpas smpai time aq.. aq ckp "both" ckgu tuh tnye lah nape?? aq ckp " I don't know.. but the first
one is correct tp.. yg kedua tuh maybe sbb dy past tense kut.." korang taw ape ckgu tuh buat lpas tu?? dy GELAK beb!!!! MaLU Nye!!! dh lah smua yg dtg tuh laki...! rase dh b'asap dh muke nie.. tp cover.. mane tk cover nye kan... = ='
Pastu mase ckgu tuh bg soklan dy asyik tnye mamat saleh kat blakang je... lgsung tk b'paling ke arah ku = =' tp m'madai lh kn.. td dh wat slah.. kene lh balasan..hehhehe w'laupun aq tk tau ape kaitan nye ngan smua tuhh hihiihi.. pelik nye ~~~
dh la tuh aq nk rehat dlu.. nnty klau ade pape aq update lg..
Hello Fellas. Welcome to my awesome blog. I hope U likes my blog. I just make a simple blog. If U want to follow mine, Thanks. Insya Allah, I will folow u back soon. Visit mine. I will make a new entry when I have a free time :)
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